Volunteer With Us

Volunteerism is at the heart of what we do here at Make The Change. Over the years, we have worked with volunteers from different sectors and organisations who have generously contributed their time and expertise. We strive to make every volunteer experience rewarding and fulfilling not just for the organisations we serve, but also for the volunteers who help us make things happen.
The reason that I joined Make The Change project is because I want to learn more about what is Social Enterprise and experience how it would be like to meet with the client. I have learned that it is quite challenging and interesting, it requires good time management, hands-on design and soft skill of marketing.
Francizca Mah
It was my first time helping out in the Make The Change project, The Neko Art. From this project, we understood an learnt things in a different way – Nothing comes easy. We did grow up a bit while doing the project. It is always good to have something like this to help raise awareness..
Bih Hornh
Give a man a fish, and you will feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish, and how you will feed him for life. I have always firmly believed in this and was genuinely surprised to come across a real-life example here. Make The Change comes off as a pragmatic idealist who constantly strives for social good that is sustainable and purposeful. I have truly learnt a lot.
Abigail Teo