David Jaber is the founder and CEO of Climate Positive Consulting, a Certified B Corporation. They help companies understand their impact on climate change and plan with them to mitigate the impacts. They analyse operations, supply chains and facilities to identify improvement opportunities in line with science based targets and net zero goals. Over the last 20 years, David has worked with over 150 companies on environmental excellence.
Companies that engage with Climate Positive Consulting start with data collection. The next step is measurement and analysis. The data collected has to first be converted to carbon dioxide equivalents to paint a clear picture of their carbon footprint. Analysing the greatest contributors to their carbon footprint allows the setting of goals and targets to reduce their carbon footprint with climate positive as their vague goal.
Climate Positive Consulting recommends a net zero approach, but leads companies to aim for a positive climate impact. They encourage companies to reduce their carbon footprint. There are ways for companies to reduce carbon footprint without having to reduce their emissions by buying offsets, such as planting trees and investing in renewable energy. However, while these are good projects, there are risks that these projects do not work as designed. Hence companies may actually have to make significant reductions in their emissions instead of offsetting. On the other hand, science based targets give more rigour to allow them to reach their goals.
David also wrote a book titled Climate Positive Business which lays out the path of business climate strategy and captures what companies need to do succinctly to reduce carbon emissions.
“Drive the change we want to see” when responding to the reason he wrote the book. He hopes that the book would act as a guide book, through highlighting steps, can help businesses tackle carbon footprint.
The book also flags some concerns about being fully dependent on offsets. Offsetting is not a strategy that is fully robust as we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a credible and verified way. He encourages companies to have foresight instead of focusing on short term gains. He hopes that his book would inspire companies to take action to reduce their carbon footprint.
For companies who are interested in reducing their carbon emissions, they can use this as a base point for them to work and improve their carbon footprint and work towards a net zero goal. These companies should start with their initial carbon footprint so that they know what they are reducing.
Personal actions and choices, though may seem small, but collectively, it has a huge impact on the carbon emissions on earth. Simple daily choices such as the bank which you deposit your money in, and your electricity company choices can affect carbon footprint. In some instances, you may even be paying to aid climate change!
There is a need to take action to know your own carbon footprint so that you can account to those investors or partners asking about them. You can start by taking small steps in reducing your carbon footprint and being accountable to them in terms of numbers. Even small things can practically reduce your carbon footprint.
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