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Learning Programme - Social Entrepreneurship @ Raffles Institution (Secondary)

Social Entrepreneurship Workshop

In August, Make The Change was engaged to run a Social Entrepreneurship workshop at Raffles Institution. The programme ran over 8 days covering a total of 36 hours.

Students were introduced to the various types of social enterprises, case studies on innovative ways to solve social problems, how to measure social impact, and different ways to get funding as well as other insights on being an entrepreneur of a social enterprise.

Guest speakers were also invited to share their own experiences and journey while also inspiring the students through conveying their success story. Among the speakers were individuals from organisations such as Kidney Dialysis Foundation, Singapore Kindness Movement, B Lab Singapore, Boys’ Town and raiSE Singapore.

By the end of the programme, students were expected to come up with their own social enterprise, inclusive of a business canvas, a digital marketing plan along with a few other components. At the end of the 8 days, each group presented their ideas followed by a question and answer session from both their teachers and peers. Feedback were also given accordingly so that the students can improve on their ideas if they ever wish to pursue them further.

Read more about the programme here.

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