For three years running, Design For Good (DFG) has been engaging, challenging and educating different local sectors in their sphere of influences.
We are very much heartened by the increasing interest for our youth competitions, as these promising young students reinterpret conventional definitions of societal issues and weave in their own story to produce their final works.
We invite them to hold empathy's hand and take a step closer,to discover the world of another.
Our DFG Youth Competition is still ongoing (the final submission date is 7th July, go sign up for it if you haven't)! We can't wait to see what these designers have in store for us this year.
Moving on the same note, we just held our annual DFG talk during the Singapore Design Week, with the topic being "Seeing Ability in Dis-ability".
You can read more about it here: http://www.makethechange.sg/single-post/2017/03/12/DFG-Talk-2017-Seeing-Ability-in-Dis-Ability
After three long years of scoping the landscape and sowing seeds, we can't be more thankful for the support and love that the DFG community has given us. YOU are the reason why we have grown, and this is why we want to share this piece of good news with you!
Expanding horizons, Design For Good was first founded with the vision to make a difference and positively influence the world.
We would love to see it grow into a sturdy platform promoting works of designers from ALL walks of life.
We are ready to take our first step out.
Our destination? Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
We are super hyped to present our first collaboration with the Krafters'.
Like all of us, these amazing people are broken in beautiful ways. Each of them carry a special portion to the krafters’ table, all running with a unified purpose of escaping poverty and building a better life for their families. Our brand houses three teams, and we will be sharing more on their stories and works real soon!
“Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.”
― C.S. Lewis