Alongside with our intern, Rachael, from Hong Kong, we also welcomed Elizabeth to our Make The Change team! As an individual that enjoys creating and sharing meaningful content - from videos to crafting witty Instagram captions, Elizabeth worked closely with the community development team to improve and upgrade Design For Good (a project under MTC’s wing) and MTC’s social media accounts.
As a former intern of TheSmartLocal, she was able to provide many valuable insights and tips on how to manage and expand our reach on social media. With her expertise, she participated in the brainstorming of content suitable for our social media platforms and assisted in producing our social media calendar for the month of July. Additionally, she partook in research works and gave many great suggestions on how we can redesign the website’s layout to cater to Singaporean’s preferences as we gear towards refurbishing Design For Good website.
Other than creative works, Elizabeth was also exposed to other job scope under Make The Change, such as facilitating our online learning programmes and assisting in pitching to agencies. She mentioned that she managed to get a glimpse of the back-end work and tremendous effort our employees put into running a social enterprise. Despite being with us for only a month, the experience of working at a social enterprise was an eye opener to her as she witnessed how ideas are generated over daily online meetings, how much hard work is put into running a smooth online workshop, and how the MTC team worked together to carry out projects.
We are thankful to have such a creative and initiative individual interning at Make The Change and we hope that this experience has widened her perspective of social enterprises in Singapore! We wish her all the best for her future endeavours and all the best for her studies in NUS!
If you are looking to experience working in the social sector, we welcome you to join our team! Click here for more information about our internship opportunities.